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6 Fun Baby Friendly Halloween ideas 🎃



Posted on October 13 2022

Are you looking for ways to make your baby’s Halloween memorable and stress-free? Halloween is such an exciting time but it’s sometimes hard to know what to do to make it memorable for the littlest ones!

Today, we share 6 ideas to make your little one’s Halloween as stress-free as possible.

1 - Dress-up

If you’re thinking of dressing them up then pick out their first costume carefully. You want them to be comfortable and warm (if you’re taking them trick or treating) there are heaps of little outfits out there that look Halloween themed even though they aren't, like this striped romper from Turtledove London that looks a like a prisoner outfit. Otherwise to keep them comfortable you could get some halloween themed PJ’s,  if you get  a larger size you can alway put them in something warm underneath.

2 - Visit a Pumpkin Patch

This is such a lovely idea, exploring the great outdoors! 

You can pick your own pumpkins to decorate and even make them some pumpkin puree or pumpkin based snacks - like these pumpkin based scones perfect for toddlers. Make sure you get lots of cute photos whilst you are there too - they grow so quickly!

3 - Host a Baby Halloween Party 

If you like entertaining at home then you could host a halloween themed party for your mum & baby friends. It’s so cute having everyone all dressed up. There are lots of baby themed snacks you can make if they’re old enough and you can make some cute boo garlands. Another idea is to put leaves, mini pumpkins, and rice (perhaps colored orange with food dye) into a large bowl. Babies will love touching and feeling the different textures with their hands!

4 - Bumkin Prints

baby bumkin print uk

These are such great fun! Just make sure you have your surfaces covered! Bumkin prints make a gorgeous keepsake too!

You’ll need 

  • Orange child-safe paint
  • Green child-safe paint 
  • A plate
  • A sponge
  • A piece of paper - A4 size should work great
  • A coloured pen 
  • something to clean your little one up afterwards.

For more details you can follow this link here


5 - Let Them Help Answer the Door

Have your baby hand out candy, or help anyway when people come knocking. You can have fun at home, dressing up your cutie pie and have them assist you in doling out the sweets. Just be careful not to let any bigger kids scare them!


6 - Head to your local Zoo

Or children's outdoor activity venue who will no doubt have some really fun halloween things to explore and activities to get involved with.

Most of all enjoy it!

Happy Halloween 🎃




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