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Springtime Activities for Preschoolers!



Posted on March 03 2024

spring activities 

March is a busy month – perhaps for you personally, but also because it comprises a few more  special dates and goings on in the calendar. From Mothering Sunday and Easter, to World Book DayRed Nose Day, and of course, the first day of spring! 

Fingers and toes crossed this new season brings some refreshing, warming rays with it so our little  ones can enjoy playing outside without getting soaked! However, come rain or shine, with the Easter  holidays just around the corner, I thought these indoor and outdoor activities may help to keep our busy bees occupied (and turn their attention away from devouring all their Easter choccy in one  sitting): 

Spring activities for preschoolers – indoors  

Create a homemade DIY bird feeder 

If it’s wet, windy and a washout sort of a day but your mini me is desperate to be outside, Louise at  Messy Little Monster has created the perfect compromise. 

Her easy-to-follow homemade DIY bird feeders are a brilliant indoor activity for children to have fun  with, make some mess, and have a giggle with you along the way! And once their masterpiece is  finished, you can hang it up somewhere in the garden they can keep an eye on all the local birdies who pop by for a munch. (Your feathered friends will be thankful for the extra nourishment too!) 

Make a spring sensory tray 

Important announcement: sensory trays don’t have to take hours. 

We’ve all seen some of the amazing creations out there that look truly magical yet incredibly time consuming. 

Well, let’s take the pressure off with these spring sensory tray ideas by Claire at The Ladybird  Adventures! After you’ve made the green-dyed rice, you and your preschooler can design an array of spring-inspired creations. From reusing bits and bobs you have around the house, to collecting some of Nature’s seasonal goodies when you’re out on a stomp – the beauty of these trays is they can look  exactly how you’d like them to and can transform each day of the holidays. 

Outdoor activities for preschoolers  

Go on a springtime scavenger hunt 

  • Stay on cosy socks: check! (We don’t want any pesky sock slippages hindering adventures) Wellies and waterproofs: check! 
  • Camera: check! (Perhaps this could be a disposable camera they can independently use?) Paper and pencils: check! 

Spring is the season best known for new beginnings, so let’s turn our usual Sunday morning strolls into a springtime scavenger hunts… 

From pointing out the differing wildflower colours they can see to you, spotting frogspawn, and  taking pictures of playful newborn lambs, to smelling wild garlic and drawing quick pictures of the  various species of wildlife they can hear chattering among themselves, let Mother Nature provide all  the entertainment on your Easter walks! 

Plant some seeds 

Whether you’re green-fingered or prefer turning your hand to something else, this is a spring activity  for preschoolers they’ll love rolling up their sleeves to get stuck into, while we sit back and watch them with a cup of something warm as they busily plant away. 

And here’s an idea: 

Why not choose seeds you’ve wanted to grow but haven’t had the time to? 

From sweet peas and sunflowers, to strawberries, raspberries, carrots and, perhaps pumpkins so  they’re ready for the autumn? 

…Some food for thought! 

The work-life juggle can sometimes feel a little more challenging with nursery/preschool/school  holidays but please know you’re not alone – we’re all cheering each other on, and you’ve got this! 

Katie x



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