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7 back to School and Nursery tips



Posted on August 04 2024

Hello, August! 

Now although we’re only a few weeks into the summer holidays, blink and they can fly by*! 

So here at The Little Sock Co., we thought it might be helpful to jot down a few back to school, pre school, nursery, childminder etc. tips that’ll help to ease our little ones into the new term ahead: 

  1. Re-establish a routine 

Wherever you’ve enjoyed the past few weeks together – at home, away or perhaps a mixture  between the two, I think it’s only natural that our children’s routines will have adjusted as we’ve  been soaking up the summer holidays! 

With our youngest heading to preschool in September, my plan towards the end of this month is to slowly begin transitioning everyone back into pre-holiday routines. In the past doing this has helped  to make the first day back feel less of a huge shift for our two older children, and my husband and I! 

  1. Talk about returning 

If you’re planning to rejig routines too in a few weeks, it’s also the perfect opportunity to start talking about going back to school, pre-school, nursery, your childminders etc. every so often… 

While their brains certainly are like sponges, their childcare setting will not be on their minds at the  moment, so occasionally mentioning returning and all the amazingness they have to look forward to  is a subliminal way we can help them feel at ease when the first day back arrives. 

  1. Read books about their childcare setting 

…I love this idea from LoveReading4Kids! 

They’ve also shared these 50 back to school books for the new term ahead, including some  wonderful stories for tiny tots. 

  1. Pack their bag together 

Sometimes it feels quicker and simpler to do this ourselves!

However (for the first day back!) you could slowly begin packing your mini me’s bag with them in the  lead-up as another gentle reminder they’ll be returning to school, pre-school, nursery, their  childminders etc. soon. 

  1. Organise playdates with friends 

Whether they’ll be re-joining their same group of friends or transitioning into a new class of buddies,  spending time with little ones their own age is beneficial for a whole host of reasons, and reminds them how much they love spending time with other littlies. 

  1. Prep first-day clothes the evening before 

Why not make this into a fun activity? Perhaps a race between you and them as to who can find  their socks, shoes and outfit the fastest? 

Laying everything out will not only speed up our mornings the following day, it’ll also add to the  excitement of the new term. 

  1. Speak with other parents and share advice 

Every child is unique and there’s no set-in-stone approach to settling them back into their usual  routine after the summer holidays… 

I hope these suggestions are helpful, and I’d really love to hear your back to school tips. Please do send me a message on Facebook or Instagram! 

Katie x 

*Some days can also seem long too, and we all have them – juggling everything is a challenge but I can guarantee you’re doing an amazing job!



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