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6 Spooktacular Halloween Party Games



Posted on October 08 2024

As 31st October approaches, you may be in the midst of planning a frightfully fun party for family and friends... 

Now like you I’m sure, I’m a firm believer that parties are all about spending time with loved ones  and shouldn’t involve rushing around like a headless chicken! So, here are six spooktacular Halloween party games that are simple to prepare, cost-effective and guaranteed to fill your home with giggles: 

Apple bobbing 

Under our watchful eyes, children just love a spot of Halloween apple bobbing, don’t they? And  although it’s a more traditional game, it continues to be a nostalgic favourite this time of the year. 

Aside from splashes of water here and there, apple bobbing is quick and easy to organise and will bring all the little ones together (plus the adults too!) as they try their hardest to catch one of their  five a day. 

Toffee apple making 

While the children still have their apples to hand and in one piece – give or take a few nibbles, you  could invite them over to a toffee apple-making table, where they could lightly coat them in toffee (or a sugar-free alternative) and add a bamboo stick, before setting them aside so they have a tasty  treat to leave with at going home time. 

Pumpkin bowling 

Toilet rolls at the ready: this is a spooktacular take on tenpin bowling which my children now cannot  wait to try thanks to Made for Mums. 

Simply draw faces on a round, rollable-shaped pumpkin or perhaps an orange ball for the toddies at  your party, and onto 6 or 10 toilet rolls, arrange them into a pyramid shape somewhere with space,  and begin bowling!

Wrap the Mummy 

…Once you’ve finished and your winners have been awarded their Halloween goodies, why not  reuse them to play ‘Wrap the Mummy’? There may be a little bit of a mess to clear away at the end,  but that too can be made into a fun game the tiny tots can help you with. 

Pin the nose on the pumpkin 

…And you can also give your pumpkin another lease of life too. 

What also makes this a fantastic Halloween game for children is how  you can tailor it so it’s suitable for all ages by simply swapping a pin for stickers. 

Halloween musical statues  

If the little ones (and adults!) have dressed up for your party, a wonderful way to round off the  afternoon/evening is with a good old Halloween-inspired musical statues boogie – asking them to  freeze in the character of their costumes. 

(If you’d like the children to let off some steam before settling down for teatime, I highly recommend this activity!) 

What Halloween party games do you have down your socks that we could add to this list? Please let  me know and I’ll do my best to share them – it’s always lovely to hear from you. 

Katie x



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