6 Helpful Tips To Encourage Little Ones to Brush Their Teeth
•Posted on March 13 2022

After all that pain and agony, the first tooth's through! Whoop!! Now the challenge begins to keep it as clean as can be! As a mum of 3 (8 years, 5years and 3 years) I've lived through trying to get them all used to brushing their teeth! So I thought I’d share some of the helpful tips I’ve found along the way!!
Tip 1 - Start Young!
As soon as that first tooth is through it's advised to start brushing but how do you brush a babies teeth? This isn’t always the easiest of tasks especially if your little one teeths young. There are some great silicon chewable toothbrushes available like this one that work brilliantly and your little one won’t even know they are brushing their teeth!!
Tip 2 - Copying
Babies love copying, so take advantage while they're still at this young age. Let them watch you brush your teeth and hand them their brush. Choose one that’s soft and made for first teeth, so it won’t hurt their gums. We love this Jack n Jill biodegradable one.
Tip 3 - Find the rights toothpaste
I never could have believed that the mint flavour of toothpaste could cause me so many issues. Especially for my son, who up until the age of 5 years, wouldn’t stand for it. There are lots of great fruit flavoured options out there to try - strawberry was always a big hit for us!
Tip 4 - Add a little song
2 minutes in the life of a toddler is a V E R Y L O N G T I M E! So trying to get them to brush their teeth for this long is near impossible, You could try putting some of the great “brush your teeth” songs on in the background - or even a youtube video (this one was a particular hit for us Brush your Teeth Song to keep them focused.
Tip 5. Rewards Charts!
As they get to the stage where they understand about treats you really can't go wrong with these. Especially if your little knows there's something big at the end of it. Each time they brush with no fuss, get those golden stars out, then when they get to 10, give them a little reward!
Tip 6. Make it into a Game
Your child's imagination is your best friend when it comes to getting those teeth brushed. Why not ask your toddler if they're a big strong dinosaur, lion, or crocodile, then ask to see those big, strong teeth. That's the time to ask if you can help brush them to keep them big and strong. Or make some funny faces together in the mirror to keep them distracted. Some faces might need big smiles or wide-open mouths. You could try faces that will help you reach those tricky back teeth.
Remember consistency is key here! If you let them get away with not brushing for just one night you can guarantee they'll try it again and again!
Happy Brushing 🦷
Katie x