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Why we are here....



Posted on April 02 2020

Hello, I'm Katie and I am the Founder of The Little Sock Company!
I'm a Mum of 2 and I set up The Little Sock Company when my eldest was around 12 months old to save you the time and frustration of loosing all of those baby socks. Here is my story.
When my first son Sidney was born I had no idea what an issue parents faced when it came to baby socks.
Sid was a wriggler (still is) his legs were never ever still, they would be kicking away from the moment he woke up.
I'd had some delightful little socks given to me at my baby shower which I was looking forward to dressing him in, I remember it was one of the first times I had him dressed up smartly. He looked adorable, but by the time I had got myself ready he was already missing a sock!
This became the story of our lives, it didn't matter which socks I tried they were all kicked off. It got so bad that I began dressing him in those cute little trousers with feet in but I knew that couldn't go on forever.
I started thinking of how I could prevent this sock loss issue. I had come up with all kinds of ideas sketched down on pieces of paper or noted into my phone but as a busy first time Mum that was as far as I had got.
Then one day we had to leave the house in a rush (I'd forgotten we had a doctors appointment) Sidney was about 8 months old at the time. I put his socks on, popped him in his car seat and drove the 5 minutes down the road to the surgery.
By the time we got there his socks were of course kicked off. I gathered up Sid, the socks, the change bag and the car keys and rushed into the surgery. I was registering our arrival when I heard a tsk from behind me and a whisper "can you believe she has brought that poor child out without any socks on?! - His poor feet will be freezing". It was a comment I had heard a few times before but this time it really got to me. I wasn't a bad Mum, I wasn't neglectful. It got me thinking about all of the other misjudged parents and carers out there and that is when I knew had to do something about these socks!
That night I collected up all of my notes and Stay on Sock sketches and set to work on the first design. My background is in Lingerie Design so I wasn't new to creating. Within a few months we had our first Stay on Sock prototype to trial. I'd like to say it was perfect but it took many more months of testing and tweaking before I was happy with the design.
Our first stock arrived in March 2018 and The Little Sock Company launched our first Socks that Stay on.
I love running this business and it is my dream that our socks reach all of the Mums, Dads, Grandparents and carers who are in need of them!
We are here to save you the time and frustration of all of those lost baby socks!
I believe we should do what we can in life to help others. You may or may not already know that we donate a percentage of all of our sock sales to Charity. You can find out more about that here on our site.



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